Private schools in Singapore
Table of Contents
A private school in Singapore is an institution that provides educational, commercial services. Today, training centers of this type are becoming more and more popular every day. Entrepreneurs actively study the market and enter it with their proposals. Do many people wonder how to open a private school? If you have these thoughts, then carefully study this article.
Why are private schools so popular? The private school acts as an alternative to the public school, and today it is often more prevalent than municipal institutions. This prevalence is due to certain factors.
- An outdated and standardized approach to teaching. The public sector operates according to classical standards and does not consider each child’s peculiarities, not allowing their individual talents to develop.
Opening a private school, in turn, is focused on disclosing children’s abilities; teachers test children, observe them, offer classes to choose from that meet their wishes. As a result, children develop faster, and, in the future, they know exactly what types of activities and what professional path they definitely choose.
- Lack of places. Since the Singapore private education establishments cannot refuse to accept a child, so the classes are overcrowded, and teachers do not have time to pay attention to everyone; conflicts occur between the children now and then. The stories about the tense classroom environment and the kid’s unwillingness to go to class are not fiction but the truth.
These and some other reasons create a demand for private schools in Singapore. According to statistics, every fifth parent thinks about an alternative education for their child; this means that private schools are a profitable business for which there is already a demand. However, it has many nuances that will need figuring out before launching. So, the primary task of an entrepreneur is to choose the type of educational institution.
Varieties of private schools
When opening a private school or other facilities, the first thing in your plan is to decide what type of institution you want to set up and what services to offer. There are many classifications; we will consider the most popular of them.
Standard and Elite
In this case, they are divided according to the cost of training and hence their quality. Standard schools are similar in principle to public schools. However, they still provide better and more varied services, and the number of children in the class is small. This type is quite affordable and effective.
High tuition fees distinguish elite institutions. Not all parents can afford to send their children to study there, but a very limited segment. Of course, the quality of education corresponds to the price here; children have the opportunity to choose any subject and use expensive equipment and teaching materials.
Partial and full stay establishments
They are distinguished based on the time the child has been in them. Most of them work on the principle of classical institutions: children are staying there during the class only.
The second option is half board. In this situation, the child attends lessons and stays after them for an extended period to do homework, play, and attend additional classes. If you are wondering how to set up a business in Singapore, then the choice of the type of school and half board is a good decision.
The last option is a boarding school, where children live and study there. This type of service is expensive and not suitable for everyone.
Federal state educational standards and copyright programs
Each institution independently chooses the methods and principles of its work. This type is not very much in demand, since it does not differ much from the classic format.
As a rule, different approaches are used in work. So, lyceums have a specialization.
The profound study of the major subjects is started in high school when the child approaches consciously.
At the education business in Singapore, the emphasis is on the human sciences, that is, on rhetoric, history, and foreign languages. There are formats with in-depth study of certain subjects. There are also confessional institutions, places where students focus on religion.
By age criterion
As in the classical system, junior, middle, and senior levels are distinguished. In addition, the modern range of services often touches on the topic of early childhood development. In this case, the institution is closely related to the kindergarten.
How to set up an educational business in Singapore?
Before opening a private school, entrepreneurs analyze the target audience and build on this basis their competitive advantages.
- Who is the client? First, these are families with middle and high incomes that can afford a child’s paid education. These categories include businessmen, artists, and intellectuals.
- What are the criteria for the choice? According to statistical studies, parents are interested in the institution’s reputation, the quality of the work of the teaching staff, the number of children in one class, the quality of the premises and teaching materials, and official documents. The reviews of their friends often guide clients.
- What criterion to focus on? Survey data show that targeting and the number of children in the class are key for parents. Therefore, we advise you to think about this first. However, the choice depends only on your personal preference.
- How to stand out from the competition? Competitive advantages will again help you with this. Study the market in advance, choose a favorable location to avoid intersections with the nearest establishments, decide on the type and format, and provide the highest quality services in your segment.
Key steps towards organizing a school in Singapore:
- Decide what your educational institution will be like. Before you embark on the practical steps of opening a private school, make sure you have researched and understood the various requirements for the type of institution you want to establish.
- Registration of a company in Singapore. Once you have evaluated your plan and decided to proceed, you will have to register your company. The most suitable type of company to open an educational institution is a private limited liability company. Registering a company is not at all difficult, but it is better to do it with the help of professionals.
- Preparation for work. There are a few important things that must be done before you can start accepting students to your institution:
- Find suitable premises. You can only use premises where educational activities can be carried out. Once you have officially rented the premises, you can start to arrange it as you need.
- Hire teachers and workers. You will need to make sure that the teachers have all the necessary qualifications and education to teach. If your educational institution offers government-sponsored tuition, your school will have to meet additional criteria. Your teaching team can be local or international.
- Apply for all required licenses. You will need to apply for licenses as soon as possible. The license must match the type of training center you are opening.
To learn more about business licenses in Singapore, please read our other guides. - Get accreditation. Once your school is organized and ready to go, you should consider getting accredited to build trust and confidence in your services among potential students and their parents.
Before you start planning to open an educational institution, try to set the stage as best you can. In addition, it will be much easier and safer to use the services of professionals.
What do you need to open a private school?
How to get a license to open a private school?
- A statement from a legal entity;
- A copy of the registration certificate of a non-profit organization;
- A copy of the charter of a non-profit organization.
All these copies must be certified by a notary.